• Experts in metal since 1912

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Quality and Certificates


Always the highest quality. Always. High quality is in our DNA. We always aim to have the highest level of quality visible in all our work.

That is how we manage to meet your specific demands and of course, the once of authorities. Our alloys are intended for use in a large variety of applications and we know the strict demandsof these high-tech sectors and understand the advanced nature of your work.

Quality management system

Our quality management system is certified in accordance to ISO 9001 as well as AS9120 which permits us to stock and sell to the aerospace industry, thus showing the high standard that permeates our organisation.

Quality is always a top priority and should be part of your HARALD PIHL experience, from the first point of contact to our final delivery. We work closely with the best material manufacturers and impose strict demands on what we require. That also applies on documentation, traceability and delivery reliability. We continuously carry out supplier monitoring against these criteria to ensure that our standards are being adhered to.



Our Certificates of Approvals



Our Policy