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Experts in metal since 1912
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If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Alloy 60 is used for the welding of Monel ® alloys 400, R-405 and K-500. This filler metal is also used for surfacing of steel. The weld metal deposited by Alloy 60 has properties similar to those of Montel ® alloy 400. This filler metal has good strength and resists corrosion in many media, including seawater, salts, and reducing acids. The weld metal of Alloy 60 is not age hardenable and when used to join Monel ® alloy K-500 it has lower strength than the base metal.
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