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If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Let’s find exactly what you came for
If the product you are looking for is not in stock, we are here to help! Through our extensive network of suppliers, we can source almost any alloy or material, in any form and dimension.
Alloy 61 is used for welding Nickel 200 and 201. The titanium-carbon reaction maintains a low level of free carbon, making the filler metal suitable for Nickel 201. The weld metal of Alloy 61 offers good corrosion resistance, particularly in alkalis. In dissimilar welding, Alloy 61 is used to join Nickel 200 and 201 to stainless steels, carbon steels, Inconel® alloys, Incoloy® alloys, copper-nickel alloys, and Monel® alloys. Additionally, this filler metal is used for joining Monel® and copper-nickel alloys to carbon steels, as well as copper-nickel alloys to Inconel® and Incoloy® alloys.
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