

Supplier Code of conduct


Suppling special alloys and titanium to the advanced industry contributes to the development of new sustainable techniques. HARALD PIHL is committed to ensuring the highest standards of responsibility throughout its operations, including its supply chain. HARALD PIHL is committed to the principles of the UN Global Compact.
This Supplier Code of Conduct sets the standard of the social, environmental and ethical expectations we have on our suppliers. It includes human rights, labour conditions, ethics, environmental protection and anti-corruption practices.

As a supplier to HARALD PIHL, you, your suppliers and your subcontractors will:
Human rights and fair labour conditions
•Manage your business in an open and ethical manner, with respect for human dignity and rights.
•Ensure not to use child labour or any form of forced, bonded or involuntary labour.
•Comply with all applicable labour laws, regulations and international accepted standards of workers’ rights
•Hold high standards of honesty, integrity, fairness and professionalism
•Not commit any acts which may negatively impact our interests or reputation
•Ensure your material is “DRC Conflict free”. Meaning that no conflict minerals (tantalum, tin, tungsten and gold) originate from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) or the adjoining countries
•Always have high standards of social responsibility. Respect the integrity of any information we provide to you and only use it for intended purposes
•Work against any form of discrimination against your employees as well as physical abuse, sexual or other harassment, verbal abuse, threats or intimidation
•Promote an inclusive work environment that values diversity of its employees
•Do not discriminate or tolerate discrimination or harassment with respect to gender, ethnic and national origin, race, color, religion, age, disability nor sexual orientation

Legal compliance
•Manage your business according to applicable laws and regulations including but not limited to the following
•Comply with all applicable trade compliance regimes such as rules on export and import control, embargoes and sanctions
•Comply with all applicable anti-corruption laws, directives, regulations and do not engage in any corrupt practices
•Comply with all applicable anti-trust and competition laws

Health and safety
•Comply with all health, safety and environmental regulations
•Provide a safe, clean and hygienic workplace for your employees and visitors
•Ensure that your employees operate and behave in a safe manner
•Conduct your business in a way that does not endanger or harm the natural environment
•Comply with all applicable environmental laws, regulations, and environmental permits
•Properly dispose hazardous and regulated substances
•Identify and eliminate potential hazards to the environment and continually work to improve your environmental performance

Confidentiality and data security
•Take account of the need to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and data entrusted to your control during and after engagement with HARALD PIHL and apply the necessary Information Security Management requirements
•Adhere to all applicable data protection laws including the security of personal data

If you have any questions about this Supplier Code of Conduct or what is expected from you as a HARALD PIHL supplier, please speak to your contact at HARALD PIHL.

We expect high ethical standards of you, and we expect the same of ourselves. Please let us know if you ever experience that we are not complying with our own policies.